Galway publicans gear up for pint race

Galway’s first ever ‘Publican’s Pint Race’ in aid of Western Alzheimers are looking for Galway pubs to get involved in a fun fundraiser & race each other with a pint in a steady hand! WHAT’S INVOLVED? 1. Your pub fund raises for Western Alzheimers . You can be as creative as you like or […]
VFI meet with Minister for Justice

VFI President Pat Crotty along with Chief Executive Padraig Cribben met with Minister for Justice and Equality Charlie Flanagan TD this week to discuss a range of legislative issues affecting the pub trade. According to CEO Padraig Cribben the meeting provided an excellent opportunity to put forward the VFI’s viewpoint on some important topics. “There […]
Rates – National Revaluation Programme

VFI members will have received correspondence from the Valuation Office recently in relation to the revaluation of your premises. You are legally obliged to complete the Revaluation Information Form & return it within 28 days from the date on the letter that you received. This information is the standard information that has gone to all […]
VFI announce new affinity deal with Electric Ireland

Electric Ireland has been appointed the official energy partner to the VFI. Electric Ireland will be providing a fantastic energy offering that the VFI believes has the capacity to significantly reduce members’ electricity costs. At a time when cost savings have never been so important to VFI members, this new deal will see a minimum […]
Budget 2018

Budget 2018 The Vintners’ Federation of Ireland (VFI) broadly welcomes the measures announced in 2018 while having reservations about the maintenance of the very high levels of excise on alcohol. Padraig Cribben, Chief Executive, VFI states: “This Budget can be viewed from the licensed trade as being a neutral Budget and we welcome the maintenance […]
North East winners look forward to national final

The final regional winners in the Irish Pub Awards were announced last night (Wednesday, 4th October) in The Squealing Pig, Monaghan. They will now go forward to the National Awards Ceremony on 8th November. The winners in the North East are: Innovative Pub of the Year sponsored by Bank of Ireland Payment Acceptance: Warehouse Bar and […]
VFI welcomes announcement of rural funding initiative

The Vintners’ Federation of Ireland (VFI) has welcomed today’s (4th October) announcement by the Department of Rural and Community Development that €21.6m will be used to fund the 2017 Town and Village Renewal Scheme. In making the announcement the Minister for Rural and Community Development, Michael Ring TD, said the funds are an important part […]
East Region winners celebrate Irish Pub Awards

All six counties in the East Region took home an award at the Irish Pub Awards 2017 regional final, which took place in Judge Roy Bean’s, Newbridge. Co Kildare last night (Tuesday. 3rd  October 2017). They will now go forward to the National Awards Ceremony on 8th November. The winners in the Eastern Region are: Innovative […]
Irish Pub Awards: South East Regional Winners Announced

Some of the finest pubs in the the South east are celebrating after coming out on top at the Irish Pub Awards 2017 regional final, which took place in The Coachman, Clonmel last night (Monday, 2nd October 2017). They will now go forward to the National Awards Ceremony on 8th November. The winners in the […]
Ireland’s drinks industry recommends five-point Brexit plan to Government

Representing Ireland’s drinks and hospitality industry, including the VFI, the Drinks Industry Group of Ireland (DIGI) has recommended a five-point Brexit plan to the Government ahead of Budget 2018, which includes a policy to establish regional Brexit hubs to provide support for rural drinks and hospitality businesses and a 15 percent reduction in excise tax. […]
Brexit & Our Pubs… Reduce Excise Now!

A recent report carried out by The Drinks Industry Group of Ireland (DIGI) highlighted concerns over the decreasing number of British tourists visiting Ireland. With the uncertainty of Brexit and the potential damage it may cause the drinks industry, DIGI are now seeking a reduction in alcohol excise tax in Budget 2018 as part of […]
Irish Pub Awards announce Connaught Champions

Some of Connaught’s finest pubs are celebrating after coming out on top at the Irish Pub Awards 2017 regional final, which took place in Maxwell’s Bar, Claremorris, Co. Mayo last night (Tuesday, 26th September 2017). They will now go forward to the National Awards Ceremony on 8th November. The winners in the Connaught Region are:: […]
Clare scoops four Regional Irish Pub Awards

County Clare was celebrating last night after four of its pubs took home regional awards at the Irish Pub Awards South West finals, which took place in Cuchullainn Pub, Patrickswell, Co. Limerick. They will now go forward to the National Awards Ceremony on 8th November. The Clare winners were the Roadside Tavern, Lisdoonvarna, Fanny O’Dea’s, Ennis, Moroney’s Bar, Ennis […]
“Recession still alive in rural Ireland”

VFI Publican Alan Gielty spoke to about the difficulties publicans are facing in rural Ireland. Alan is the owner of Gielty’s Bar and Restaurant in the village of Dooagh, Achill Island, Co. Mayo. Alan recognises the recession may be over on the mainland but rural Ireland have yet to reap the benefits. “The recession […]
Irish Pub Awards – Cork winners revealed

Some of Cork’s finest pubs are celebrating after coming out on top at the Irish Pub Awards 2017 regional final, which took place in The East Village Bar, Restaurant and Hotel, Douglas, Co Cork last night (Monday 18th September 2017). They will now go forward to the National Awards Ceremony on 8th November. The winners […]
DIGI Report: Contribution Of Drinks Industry To Tourism

The latest report commissioned by the Drinks Industry Group of Ireland (DIGI) and authored by DCU economist Anthony Foley takes a look at the contribution of the pub and drinks industry to tourism. Post-Brexit we could see a significant drop in the number of British tourists visiting Ireland which could impact the Irish economy by […]
DIGI Report: Contribution Of Drinks Industry To Tourism

The latest report commissioned by Drinks Industry Group of Ireland (DIGI) and authored by DCU economist Anthony Foley takes a look at the contribution of the pub and drinks industry to tourism. Post-Brexit we could see a significant drop in the number of British tourists visiting Ireland which could impact the Irish economy by a […]
Creating jobs in uncertain times – keep 9% special VAT rate

Padraig Cribben, VFI Chief Executive, has rejected claims by economist Dan O’Brien that the special VAT rate introduced for the hospitality sector in 2011 has led to profiteering. In a letter to the Sunday Independent Padraig Cribben says “as an incentive to stimulate growth and employment the special VAT rate has been a success and […]
Government target of 50,000 new tourism jobs threatened by dramatic collapse in sterling

The continuing decline in the value of sterling against the euro will have a damaging impact on the Irish economy in the months ahead, particularly in rural Ireland, and will seriously impact the Government’s ability to deliver on 50,000 new tourism jobs, warned Donall O’Keeffe, secretary of the Drinks Industry Group of Ireland (DIGI). The […]
Entertainment key to attracting customers

A new report says Irish people along with tourists favoured bars with a good atmosphere and fun entertainment. The report by Euromonitor International studied the current trends in pubs and cafĂ©s in Ireland. With tourism on the rise and lower unemployment levels in the country the pub and cafĂ© sector has benefited with a boost […]