Galway publicans gear up for pint race

Galway’s first ever ‘Publican’s Pint Race’ in aid of Western Alzheimers are looking for Galway pubs to get involved in a fun fundraiser & race each other with a pint in a steady hand!



1. Your pub fund raises for Western Alzheimers . You can be as creative as you like or simply encourage people to go online and donate.

2. You decide on a representative who competes against a number of Galway City pubs in the race, which involves running a distance with a pint on a tray – the person that finishes fastest AND with the most drink left in the glass wins.

3. The winning pub receives a specially commissioned sculpture to display in their pub for the duration that they hold the Publican’s Pint Race winning title! There are also runner up prizes.


The race will take place this Sunday, October 29th at 12.15pm


The first race on the Sunday of the October Galway Races at the Ballybrit Race Track. All contenders will make their way to the parade ring beforehand and there will be a special guest commentary!


By supporting this event you are helping Western Alzheimers continue to provide the following services to carers and families of loved ones living with Alzheimer disease.

  • Long Stay Residential
  • Short Stay Respite
  • Day Care
  • In Home Support
  • Support Group Meetings
  • Information & Advice

To find out more about how you can get involved click HERE

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