VFI calls for drinks industry to fully support minimum unit pricing  

The Vintners’ Federation of Ireland has welcomed today’s decision (15th November) by the UK Supreme Court to reject an appeal against the introduction of minimum unit pricing.

Scotland is now set to become the first country in Europe to have a minimum unit price (MUP) for alcohol.

Padraig Cribben, Chief Executive, VFI, says: “The decision to reject the appeal brought by the Scottish Whisky Association and other drinks manufacturers against the introduction of MUP is a significant step on the road to introducing similar legislation in Ireland.

“Today’s news sends a strong message to our Government that there is no legal impediment to the introduction of minimum unit pricing.

“It is now time for the entire Irish drinks industry to fully support Government plans for the introduction of MUP.”

In its judgement, the court said MUP is “a legitimate means of achieving a legitimate aim”.

The court added: “Minimum pricing targets the health hazards of cheap alcohol and the groups most affected, in a way that an increase in excise or VAT would not”.

Scottish drinks manufacturers had argued that MUP contravened EU trade law, an argument rejected by the Supreme Court.

Press Contact
Brian Foley

Communications & Public Affairs Manager
Email: [email protected]
Tel: +353 1 492 3400
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