The Fire Brigade in Dublin logged almost 100 fewer emergency calls on Good Friday 2018 compared to last year, which the service has linked to less house parties due to pubs opening for the first time on Good Friday.
Calls to Dublin Fire Brigade originate in the capital and 13 other counties.
This year over the 24 hours of Good Friday, the service processed a total of 379 calls.
Of these, 35 resulted in Dublin Fire Brigade call outs while 289 related to ambulance call outs (figures are not available for call outs outside of Dublin).
This compares with 465 total calls processed on Good Friday last year – almost 100 hundred more than this year.
Of these 92 resulted in call outs for Dublin Fire Brigade while 271 were ambulance call outs.
This means that there were fewer than half the number of Fire Brigade call outs this year compared to last year.
In 2016 a total of 436 calls were processed. Dublin Fire Brigade call outs made up 92 of these while ambulance call outs were 271.